What is a "Paul Harris Fellow"?

Paul HarrisĀ  was the founder of Rotary and the "Paul Harris Fellowship" was established in part to perpetuate the memory of his name.

It also has two other purposes:
1. As a means of raising funds for the Rotary Foundation
2. As a means of giving recognition and showiing appreciation for the activity of individuals which exemplify the Rotary motto "Serve Above Self".

A contribution of $1,000.00(U.S.) must be made to the Rotary Foundation in the name of the individual to be honored.

Local "Paul Harris Fellows" are as follows:


James Doyle
John Crosbie (d)
J.Ben O'Reilly (d)
Rev. R.J. Miller
John Ramsay (d)
Al O'Neill (d)

James Currie (d)
William Sweezey
W.A.(Bill) Walls
John D. Creaghan (d)
Hon. Frank McKenna
Wilfred Gorman

Sisters of Hotel Dieu
Fred F. Moar
Vince McCarthy
Ronald Morrison
Henry Wilson

Joseph Yvonne Jr.
Richard Jardine
Wilson W. Weldon
Noreen Lobban
Leon Bremner


Donald Adams
Lord Beaverbrook
Ragnar Bruun
Jenny Bryenton
John Burchil
Susan Butler
Ian Byers
Joseph Campbell
Lillian Copp
Martha Crocker
Willis Dickison

Frank Dickison
Maurice Dionne
John Donaldson
Gil Harris
Blair Jardine
Dick Jebbink
Mary Salome
Jack Lutz
Donald MacMillan
Calvin Matchet
Farrell McCarthy

Tim McCarthy
Dr.R.B. McKenzie
Tom Morris
Frank Dickison
Maurice Dionne
John Donaldson
Paul Swim
Perley Tracy-Gould
William Vickers
Robert Wallace
Allie Treadwell

Robert Stewart
Terry Whalen
Leo Burns
John McAllister
Jack Christie
Phil Cormier
Gerald Casey
Mark DuPlessis
Herman Koops