Vocational Service in Rotary stands for service to society through ethical dealings in business with customers, employees, competitors and suppliers. It has been part of Rotary since the organization was founded.
In 1981, the Rotary Club of Chatham undertook to annually recogize a citizen of the Miramichi who has shown exceptional dedication to his/her profession or vocation. From that time onward, the worthy recipient has been presented with the Vocational Service Award.
Terms of reference for the award are:
- The recipient must have shown exceptional dedication to advancing his/her chosen profession and to service in the community through his/her chosen proffesion.
- The recipient must be a resident of Northumberland County but not a member of the Rotary Club of Chatham.
- The recipient must exemplify the ideals of the Rotary 4-Way Test, which are:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
- The recipient of the Vocational Service Award will be requested to present a bursary of the Rotary Club of Chatham to the graduating student of James M. Hill Memorial High School who best exemplifies the same qualities through his/her dedication to school work and the student community.
Carl Burns
Dr. P.J. Losier (d)
Mrs. Dorothy
Mrs. Marion Sproul (d)
Richard Howe (d)
Harold Flieger
Thomas Adams (d)
Mrs. Dorothea Traer (d)
Greg Morris
Miss Stella Skidd (d)
Gordon Lynch
Rupert Bernard
Mrs. Matilda Murdock
Clarence (Junior) MacDonald
Mrs. Shirly MacDonald
Joseph V. (Joe) MacDonald
William Gregan
Lloyd E. Cameron
Edna C. Cameron
Roy J. Gillis